Green Mudd Non-Dairy Ice Cream / Shake
This recipe was discovered in concealed drawer of an old desk, found in the old Daily Planet building, belonging to Clark Kent. How he came to have it and its origin is unknown, but it was said, Clark would be seen eating the concoction just before he would strangely disappear into a phone booth or down an alley.
It was also said that David Banner had an addiction to Green Mudd and experienced major side effects after drinking it.
Yes, it is that powerful. Why, because
Green Mudd is made with a variety of super foods.
Maybe it was Wonder Woman’s secret as well – humm – ??
She’ll never tell …
Green Mudd Recipe:
Though this taste like a dessert, it’s really a power, nutrient-packed non-dairy delight!
Equipment Needed: High Speed blender
Yield: 2-3 servings or hog it all to yourself!
1/2 cup almond milk (or better yet, 1/2 cup coconut nut yogurt)
1/2 frozen banana
6-7 ice cubes
1 tablespoon each of chlorella and spirulina powder
3-4 tablespoons raw cacao powder
Optional: 1-2 tablespoons of raw carob powder
2-4 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut
2 tablespoons protein powder
2 tablespoons goji berries
1/2 avocado is a great addition … healthy fats and adds a smoothness to the Mudd
Optional: 1/4 cup organic raisins or 1-2 medjool dates
Optional: 1-2 teaspoons of reishi, chaga or maca powder
Optional: 2 tablespoons of raw almond butter
Preparation Steps:
1. Place all ingredients in high-speed blender and blend into soft ice cream/thick milkshake consistency dessert, so you have to eat it with a spoon. You can always add a bit more almond milk or ice cubes for desired consistency.
2. Then sit back and ENJOY – but don’t forget your cape or at least beware of the side effects – it may unleash a wild or uncontrollable side of you that you never knew you had !
Or worse, you could get addicted to it as I am !
Hope you’ve enjoyed the post, as we’ve had a bit of fun with this recipe, but as far as the Green Mudd smoothie – it is a powerful super food delight and tastes GREAT! If you dont have all the ingredients, but want to enjoy a quick, chocolate shake or ice cream, it can be made with the almond milk/or yogurt, cacao powder, frozen banana and ice cubes … and some protein powder to boost it up a bit.
This method of ice cream making, or type of ice cream, is for a quick delicious meal, but you wouldnt want to store it in the freezer – it will become rock solid. Best when eaten on the spot!
Benefits of the Various Ingredients
Chlorella Powder:
• Rich in vitamins, packed with magnesium, as well as potassium, iron and calcium.
• It’s also high in chlorophyll. Chlorella contains the highest percentage of any plant, a whopping 10%.
• Chlorella is a detoxifier. It purifies the blood and crosses the blood brain barrier, detoxifying heavy metals, supporting healthy brain function.
• It promotes the production of healthy flora (good bacteria) throughout the digestive system.
• Is considered an anti-cancer food because it is rich in natural carotenoids, which can prevent oxidation.
• Chlorella, as well as spirulina, is approximately 65% protein.
Spirulina Powder:
• Spirulina is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids – antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage.
• It contains nutrients, including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, and selenium.
Mushrooms – Chaga and Reishi (known as the King and Queen of mushrooms):
Chaga Powder:
• The chaga mushroom is a tree mushroom and primarily comes from birch trees. It’s one of the most alkalizing foods in the world.
• Consumption on a regular basis will make your immune system stronger, increasing resistance to disease. It’s been touted as the number 1 cancer herb in the world.
• Chaga has potent immune supporting properties, being rich in beta glucans and polysaccharides. Beta glucans activate T-cell activity and the production of antibodies. Polysaccharides have strong anti-inflammatory and immune balancing properties, enhancing the body’s ability to produce natural killer (NK) cells to battle infections. The polysaccharides are considered to be the primary active constituents of Chaga from an immunological perspective.
• It is also an adaptogen and has the highest level of superoxide dismutase or (SOD) detected in any food or herb in the world.
Reishi Powder:
• Reishi is primarily composed of complex carbohydrates called polysaccharides, triterpeniods, proteins and amino acids. Polysaccharides have anti-tumor, immune modulating and blood pressure lowering effects. The triterpenes help alleviate common allergies by inhibiting histamine release, improve oxygen utilization and liver functions.
• The beta glucans found in reishi help regulate and stabilize blood sugar levels.
• It also appears to be anti-inflammatory and used to help treat anxiety, high blood pressure, hepatitis, bronchitis, insomnia, asthma and many others.
• It helps alleviate candida, and is high iron, manganese, chromium, zinc, and magnesium and phosphorus which.
Consuming chaga/reishi/cacao shake/smoothies on a regular basic will help protect your youthfulness because it will transform the immune system. The polysaccharides in these super foods feed the immune system, and indirectly build it up. As it feeds the immune system and goes to the bone, it causes the body to build more white cells. Over time the immune system then has more weapons and becomes stronger, with a more sophisticated arsenal of response.
Maca Powder:
• Maca is a root that grows in the Andes Mountains of Peru.
• It is thought to improve energy and mood, lower stress and to increase sexual function and fertility.
• Maca is used for anemia and chronic fatigue syndrome, enhancing energy and stamina.
• Women have used maca for hormone imbalance, menstrual problems and menopause.
• It is a nutritionally dense super-food that contains high amounts of minerals, vitamins, enzymes and all of the essential amino acids.
• Maca root is rich in B-vitamins and has high levels of bioavailable calcium and magnesium and contains 18 essential amino acids which are needed for synthesizing protein.
• The sterols found in maca help to control cholesterol levels as well as balance the immune system and reduce inflammation.
Goji Berries:
• Goji berries are one of the most nutritionally-rich fruits on the planet, packed with vitamins, minerals, protein and antioxidants.
• They are high in antioxidants, and with its polysaccharides, boost the immune system.
• Goji berries are reported to contain 18 amino acids, 21 minerals, and an array of vitamins including beta carotene.
• They are considered a complete source of protein.
• They are gentle on digestion, low glycemic and support the immune system and connective tissue.
Shredded coconut:
• I love coconut and will often add 2-3 T of shredded unsweetened coconut to the mixture.
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David Cooley
Certified Health Consultant
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