Gluten-Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe
How can a cookie with no processed sugar, no white flour, or oil taste any good? Well, you will be pleased to know that you can have your cake (in this case, cookie), and eat it to.
This is a raw, non-dairy, gluten-free cookie packed with good things in it, including gluten free oats.
Gluten Free Oatmeal Cookie Recipe
Equipment Needed: Food Processor, Dehydrator
Yield: approx 30 cookies
- 2 1/2 cups raw, gluten-free rolled oats, soaked (see notes below on how to soak oats)
- 1 apple, chopped
- 6 large Medjool dates, chopped into small pieces
- 1 cup walnuts
- 1/2 cup dried goji berries, re-hydated (if you don’t have goji berries, skip it)
- 1/2 cup raisins
- 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
- 1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
- Note: I found an Apple Spice mixture, which contains cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. If you have this, use 1 tablespoon apple spice mixture and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon)
- 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt
- Add 1/4 cup soaked, sprouted and dehydrated buck wheat grouts – add a bit more crunch to the cookie
- Add 1/4 cup cacao nibs
Preparation Steps:
- Prepare gluten free oats by soaking the overnight – see how to soak oats below.
- Place all ingredients in large mixing bowl, except raisins and coconut. Mix well together. Then place 1/3 to 1/2 mixture in food processor and pulse together. The goal is not to over process but to slightly break ingredients down and mix together. Then repeat with remainder of mixture.
- In large bowl, place mixture – add raisins and coconut and mix well.
- If you have a wonder cup, set measure at 1.5 tablespoon mark. If you flatten cookies by hand, the thinner they are, the shorten time it takes to dehydrate. Place individually on teflex sheet and dehydrate at 145 F for 1 hour, reduce temperature to 115 F and dehydrate for 16-24 hours, depending upon desired chewy-ness. The Wonder Cup is a wonderful kitchen tool – you may not use it alot, but when needed there is nothing like it. Each cookie ends up with the same amount of mixture. The cookies, or whatever it may be you are preparing, all dehydrate evenly.
5. Flip cookies at about the 4-6 hour mark. Remove teflex sheet and continue dehydrating on mesh sheets. Don’t over look this step.
6. When cookies are done, store them in refrigerator. You can eat and enjoy them as is, or frost them, as shown below.
Simple and Quick Yummy Frosting:
- This is simple and quick. No recipe to fuss with. The frosting is simply yummy coconut butter. My favorite is Artisana, as pictured below. You will need to warm the coconut butter: heat up a pot of hot water, place coconut butter in a jar and set in hot water. As it warms, stir until desired consistency is achieved, then frost.
- Using a knife frost each cookie and tip with decorative, yet tasty and healthy cacao nibs, shredded coconut, raisin, nuts, or preservative-free dried cranberries.
Artisana Coconut Butter – Purchase Here
How to Soak Oats:
All grains contain phytic acid in the outer layer or bran. It is reported that untreated phytic acid can combine with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron especially zinc in the intestinal track and block their absorption. This is one problem with many commercial grains, and can lead to intestinal issues.
Soaking allows enzymes and other helpful organisms to break down and neutralize phytic acid. I personally soak my oats overnight. Soak for a minimum of 7 hours.
Soaking Steps:
- Soak gluten-free oats in warm water, cover and allow enough water for oats to swell and still remain covered in water. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
- Drain and rinse real well. Rinse until the milky water starts to turn clear.
- I personally use a large colander and while running water over oats, use my finger to agitate and move oats around to help speed up rinsing process. You can use soaked oats wet in recipes or you can dry them as indicated below.
- Allow a few minutes for oats to drain, then placed them in a clean cloth and gently squeeze excess water out.
- Oats are now ready to use in recipe.
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David Cooley
Certified Health Consultant
LifeWave Independent Distributor
David spent 27 years in the mortgage/real estate business, and currently holds a financial life license, but for over 31 years one of his passions has been natural health and prevention of disease. For 31 years he has lived a natural food lifestyle. He is an author, and certified as a health and transformational coach, and plant-based chef. Today his main focus is to bring hope into a person’s life through various resources, proven to reverse aging, elevate health, maximize thought life and emotions, and live with unparalleled, fully persuaded faith!
“It breaks my heart to see people suffering, or aging faster and living in pain and limitation. Or to see someone who has fallen into the rut of living, unable to reach their full potential. God has designed us to live amazing lives, and sometimes it just helps to find someone who will come along side and provide the hope and direction needed at that moment.”
To learn more about David, go to Image What Could Be.
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