Pecan Coconut, Chewy Granola Recipe
I have always enjoyed granola, but I don’t care for the granolas that are really heard, or use unhealthy oil in their recipes. If you’re like me, you’ll enjoy this moist chewy recipe.
Enjoy granola as is, or place in bowl and add raw almond milk recipe.
Pecan Granola Recipe
Recipe adapted from a recipe by Amie Sue Oldfather.
Equipment Needed: Dehydrator
Yield: 3-4 cups
2 1/2 cups raw, gluten-free oats, soaked overnight (if oats don’t agree with you, consider using quinoa flakes, or organic corn flakes)
1 1/2 cups raw pecans, soaked 6 hours or overnight (or any combination of walnuts, cashews, pumpkins seeds, sunflower seeds, and pecans)
1/2 cups shredded coconut, unsweetened
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup soaked, sprouted, and dehydrated buckwheat grouts (these are a great addition but if you don’t have them, that’s okay)
1/2 cup hemp seeds
1/4 – 1/3 cup goji berries (if you don’t have these omit)
4 Medjool dates, cut into small pieces
2 tablespoons cold pressed raw coconut oil, melted
¼ cup raw honey or coconut nectar (or maple syrup)
2 tablespoons raw coconut crystals
½ teaspoon Celtic salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Optional: 2 teaspoons of cinnamon or a combination of 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, and 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg. Other spices to consider: maca or mesquite powder.
Note: when using quinoa flakes, in lieu of rolled oats, I do not soak overnight, but rather just soak and use.
My Favorite: Ginger Granola
Same as above, only addition is to add 3 tablespoons of minced ginger (I use Organic Minced Ginger by the ginger people … I found it at Whole Foods)
Preparation Steps:
After soaking the pecans, drain and rinse and place in a large bowl.
Drain and rinse oats, but take time to thoroughly rinse. Place them in a colander and as you run water over them, move them around with your fingers to thoroughly rinse. Hand squeeze as much excess water from them as possible, or place in a clean kitchen towel and gently squeeze out excess water. Add to large bowl with nuts.
Add in pecans/nuts, coconut, dates, hemp seeds, buckwheat grouts, goji berries, and raisins. Set aside.
In a small bowl combine; honey, raw coconut crystals, coconut oil, vanilla, salt, and spices. Mix well and pour over the dry ingredients in large bowl.
Mix well until everything is well coated. I used my hands for this process.
Spread out on the non-stick teflex sheets that come with the dehydrator and dry at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for about 8-10 hrs or longer. Dehydrating time will vary depending on how much water you squeezed out of the oats, and how chewy or dry you prefer your granola. Check at various intervals to see how the granola is progressing.
Store in a glass airtight container on the counter for about 2 weeks, or in refrigerator or freezer for up to 30 days.
Variations: If you prefer granola bars, press granola into a glass pan, cut into bars and place bars on teflex sheet for dehydrating process – and waala, pecan granola bars. If you have a wonder cup, you can make granola cookies.
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David Cooley
Certified Health Consultant
David spent 27 years in the mortgage/real estate business, but for over 31 years one of his passions has been natural health and prevention of disease. For 31 years he has lived a natural food lifestyle. He is an author, and certified as a health and transformational coach, and plant-based chef. Today his main focus is to bring hope into a person’s life through various resources, proven to reverse aging, elevate health, maximize thought life and emotions, and live with unparalleled, fully persuaded faith!
“It breaks my heart to see people suffering, or aging faster and living in pain and limitation. Or to see someone who has fallen into the rut of living, unable to reach their full potential. God has designed us to live amazing lives, and sometimes it just helps to find someone who will come along side and provide the hope and direction needed at that moment.”
To learn more about David, go to Age Reversing International.
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