Facing God and Disease, Point Blank – the Book
Whether it be Cancer or Any Disease – the Buck Stops Here!
God’s Two-Fold Provision for Health: The Life You Were Designed to Live
With diabetes skyrocketing, cancer affecting almost one out of every two people, and Alzheimer’s disease on the rise, shouldn’t those who love God and seek to do His will experience noticeably better health compared to the rest of the world?
It turns out that God thinks so! In fact, He has given you a two-fold provision for health through the spiritual and physical realms, and wants you to grow deeper in your understanding of what He says about health in His Word.
The body has an amazing ability to prevent and heal disease given the right conditions. God wants you healthy and whole, and to live your life at your natural weight, with energy and vitality!
Never before in history has a discussion of health been so vitally needed. And as believers, it’s time to reverse the trend of disease and faster aging, while experiencing God and His Word on a deeper level.
Here we’ll face God and disease, point blank, and uncover the best health care program on earth!
I invite you to come on this revealing journey and God’s intended best, not only for mankind, but His BEST for YOU.